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Automox Worklet Automation Scripts and Workflows

Notes on Experimentation from Automox IT and Security

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As Security and IT professionals at a company delivering endpoint solutions, we’re keen on experimentation. Automox is a fantastic platform for this and has a robust API to support our internal experiments. One area, in particular, we’ve been working on is “DevOps on the Endpoint”, where we take many of the hard lessons learned in the DevOps revolution and apply that to how we manage endpoints. To this end, we created “Worklet Warden” a simple Python script that mimics some of the utility you will find in infrastructure as code tools. This allows us to experiment with DevOps workflows using the Automox API.

What is an Automox Worklet Automation Script?

Automox Worklet automation scripts empower SecOps and ITOps to create, automate, and enforce any custom task on endpoints. Based on PowerShell and Bash scripting, Worklets are reusable units of work that can be applied across Windows, Linux, and macOS devices irrespective of location or domain membership.

Worklet automation scripts consist of two code blocks that have an if-then relationship. The first block is called “evaluation,” and the second is designated “remediation.” If the evaluation code block fails (returns non-zero), then the remediation block is run. The evaluation code executes every time an endpoint in an applicable group runs a scan. The remediation code runs according to the Worklet policy schedule after the evaluation code has flagged the device as needing remediation.

Worklet Warden

Worklet Warden is a simple Python script that uses the Automox Python SDK to gather, store, and manage Worklets. It has a few operating modes: diff, sync, and update. The code and some examples of what we’ve done can be found here.

Sync Mode

When running in Sync mode it will create a local copy of all the Worklets in your Automox account. The Worklet is stored in a folder with the name of the Worklet. It also separates the bash or powershell script stored within the Worklet in a separate file for easier editing.

Diff Mode

When running in Diff mode the script will show you the difference between what is stored locally and what is stored remotely. It tracks the JSON payloads in the “state” folder. This hacky code solution works similarly to many other infrastructures as code providers.

Remember we are experimenting!

Update Mode

When running in Update mode, local changes will be applied to your remote Automox environment. 

Worklet Backups

One area we were keen on developing was a simple backup solution for our Worklets. We have in the past accidentally deleted Worklets, or made changes that didn’t go as expected. This was accomplished via Github Actions. The flow works like this:

1. Create Github Backup Repo
  • Since these are scripts, we thought GitHub would be the best location to store them for backup.

  • Be careful with secrets in Worklet code!

  • Create one environment variable and one environment secret


      • The Automox Org ID you want to backup.


2. Setup a CronJob in Github Actions
  • This CronJob will run every 15 mins.

4. On execution, the job will check for changes done remotely and sync them to local
  • This is done using a simple GitHub action.

5. Below is the YAML for our GitHub action.

name: Automox Backup Flow



   - cron: '*/15 ' # Run every 30 minutes



   runs-on: ubuntu-latest


     image: python:3.9

   environment: Backup


   - name: Check out repository

     uses: actions/checkout@v4


       fetch-depth: 2

   - name: Set up Python

     uses: actions/setup-python@v5


       python-version: '3.9'

   - name: Install dependencies

     run: |

       python -m pip install --upgrade pip

       pip install -r requirements.txt

   - name: Run Worklet Warden Script

     run: |

       export AUTOMOX_ORG=${{ vars.AUTOMOX_ORG }}

       export AUTOMOX_API_KEY=${{ secrets.AUTOMOX_API_KEY }}

       python3 sync --mode full --debug


   - name: Check for modifications and new files

     id: git-check

     run: |

       # Update the below line with the correct safe directory in Github Actions

       git config --system --add /__w/axit-worklets/axit-worklets

       # Check for modified files

       modified=$(git diff --name-only)

       # Check for new (untracked) files

       untracked=$(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard)

       # Combine checks

       if [[ -n "$modified" ]] || [[ -n "$untracked" ]]; then

         echo "Changes or new files detected."

         echo "::set-output name=changes::true"


         echo "No changes detected."

         echo "::set-output name=changes::false"


     shell: bash

   - name: Commit and Push if Changes

     if: steps.git-check.outputs.changes == 'true'

     run: |

       # Update the below line with the correct safe directory in Github Actions

       git config --system --add /__w/axit-worklets/axit-worklets

       git config --local ""

       git config --local "GitHub Action"

       git add .

       git commit -m "Automated update by GitHub Actions"

       git push

     shell: bash

Worklet Restoration

Restoring a previous version of a Worklet becomes simple once you've established the backup solution outlined above.

You just need to checkout the repository from the state before the unintended changes were introduced, review the code to ensure everything is in order, and then apply the differential changes.

python3 update

Areas of Further Experimentation

Support multiple accounts
  • It’s likely that eventually, we will work on doing a full release process for our Worklets. This can be done using “Dev” accounts in Automox with Global Zone Management. Worklet Warden will need to be extended to support multiple accounts.

Support more than 500 Worklets
  • Worklet Warden needs some additional work to support more than 500 Worklets.

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