Higher Education Management Software

Endpoint management you don't need a PhD to use


Higher Ed IT Challenges

It can be hard for university and college IT teams to manage endpoints when students, faculty, and staff all log on from anywhere in the world. Add to that a heap of outdated machines in on-campus computer labs, the use of multiple operating systems, and the fact that most research teams work outside the school VPN, and you've got a litany of problems to deal with when deploying and updating software or keeping the school's endpoints patched.


Automox for Higher Ed Patching and Configuration

With a zero-infrastructure, cloud-native architecture, Automox enables higher ed IT teams to create and automate custom tasks or policies across your school’s entire environment, in only minutes.

Law School Gains Control & Confidence with Automated Patching


Law School Gains Control & Confidence with Automated Patching

With a faculty that works all over the world, the University of Colorado Law School struggled to manage all of its machines remotely. Other solutions were cost-prohibitive.

But with Automox, the University of Colorado Law School no longer worries about machines.

More Resources to Patch and Protect Government Machines

Automox for education

Our IT team came up with a wish list of what we’d like in our next endpoint and patch management solution. We weren’t expecting a vendor to accommodate all of our requests, but Automox checked every box, right out of the gate.

// Eric Bouse, Director, System Administration and IT, Daytona State College

We evaluated the free trial and thought ‘is this thing for real?’ It just worked.

// Jonathan Sibray, Senior IT Director, University of Colorado Law School

What I’ve told colleagues looking for an endpoint management system was that it just works. Even if you only applied the base policies to set Automox up, it just works. There’s so much more you can do with it – it’s fantastic. I’m over-the-moon-happy about it. The fact that I have a system I can trust that ‘just works’ is amazing.

// Angela Wright, IT Division Manager, City of Beaumont

A Cost & Benefit Analysis of Automox


A Cost & Benefit Analysis of Automox

A third-party economic analysis revealed that Automox provides its customers:

  • Lower total cost of ownership
  • Improved visibility
  • Reduced risk