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Automox Community: 2023 Greatest Hits

This year, the Community underwent some serious reno. There's so much to celebrate.

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2023 was an eventful year for the Automox Community and we want to thank you for all your participation and celebrate its growth with you. You are, after all, the reason for every season here at Automox.

This past summer, the community received a stunning new space, welcomed over 320 new members, and together, we shared more than 726 posts!

While we're excited about all that's been accomplished, we know what truly makes the Automox Community worth commemorating are the exceptional individuals who contribute, support, share, and learn here every day.

To honor these remarkable contributions, we want to spotlight some standout moments and highlight a few posts that made the most impact in 2023.

A veritable factory of Worklets

Worklets are a big part of the Automox Community and a common reason why people come to the Community in the first place. Community members often share Worklets they’ve created or found useful. Or, you collaborate to improve upon existing Worklets. We love it when this happens.

If you’re new to Worklets, they're pre-built scripts that empower IT professionals to plug and play IT automation for hundreds of use cases and endpoints across Windows, macOS, and Linux devices.

Achievements galore: Community members earn Level I Essentials Certificates

We have a new YAY Category in the Community where users are encouraged to share wins and achievements, most notably the Automox Level I Essentials Certificate!

ICYMI, now Automox University gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the Getting Started series. When you pass our Level 1 Essentials Assessment and obtain your certificate, you'll win exclusive bragging rights!

New friends and swag around the world

The Automox Community offers a wonderful opportunity for customers to connect and engage with each other! We love it when users introduce themselves in the Community! 

And the sprinkles on top… SWAG. We love giving swag away, so we try to create opportunities for our users to win swag all the time.

Problem-solving together

At the end of the day, we want all users and customers to have a seamless experience with Automox. If you come across a problem, we want to help. While our support team (basically our resident superheroes) usually has the answers to Automox support-related questions, sometimes we can all collaborate to help solve problems or find more efficient solutions.

If we’ve come this far with the Automox Community in 2023, imagine what 2024 will look like! We’ll continue to improve and build out our Community so you can get the most value out of it. We hope you’ll join us for the ride if you haven’t already, and can't wait to talk to you soon!

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