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Automox Sips Its Own Champagne

Bubbly for Peak Efficiency and Zero Hassles

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At Automox, we're passionate evangelists of keeping your endpoints updated, streamlining your patching processes with automation, and fortifying your security. Clearly, we talk the benefits talk, but do we also walk the efficiency walk? 

Yes! We don't just preach; we practice. We proudly sip our own champagne and we love how it tastes.

We wouldn't recommend something we don't wholeheartedly believe in [and use ourselves]. Let's dive into how we, at Automox, leverage our own solution to reclaim time and supercharge productivity.

Locking It Down with MFA

No surprises here: Given we just mandated Multi-Factor Authentication across all customer accounts, it's a no-brainer that we enforce MFA rigorously in-house. By authenticating via something our employees know and something they have, we significantly amp up our security.

Scheduling Bliss

So, what’s our secret to minimizing disruptions? We schedule updates and patches during off-peak hours. Explore the catalog of Automox WorkletTM automation scripts and see how easy it is to schedule a Worklet like this one to upgrade MacOS. Many of our employees are blissfully unaware of actions happening in the background because we've harnessed Worklet automation scripts to quietly update and patch apps during weekends or evenings. 

The result? Our team enjoys uninterrupted productivity, and we all sleep a little sounder.

Auditing with Ease

Through the Automox Console, we effortlessly audit and evaluate our devices for CIS compliance or any signs of patch-related health issues. With Automox Worklets like this Reboot Systems automation script at our disposal, we apply necessary updates swiftly, ensuring our fleet remains secure and in tip-top shape without draining our resources.

And, the cherry on top:

Embracing the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)

We operate on a need-to-know, need-to-access basis, ensuring our users and applications only have the essential permissions to perform their duties. Anything beyond that is a hard no, keeping our operations tight and secure.

Plus, Automox Audit Trails are coming soon so you can see who’s doing what, and where, and keep a closer eye on your operations. 

We're Not Merely Automox Advocates; We're Avid Users and Fans

By "drinking our own champagne," we ensure our advice and solutions are rooted in real-world application and a deep faith in their impact. Our commitment to automating patch processes and bolstering security within our own ecosystem stands as proof of the confidence we have in our product. 

Want to learn more? Check out these 9 tips to boost your IT productivity and automate your endpoint management! 

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