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3 IT Industry Thought Leaders You Should Follow

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April’s RSA Conference was a blast! There were so many friendly faces who stopped by the Automox booth. It was great to meet some of our users in person. And I’m glad I got some time to walk around the expo floor too – did you see HUMAN’s sc-fi bookstore booth?! Amazing. And of course, there were ample value-filled sessions with some industry heavy hitters. 

Those heavy hitters have a lot to share on and off stage and we think it’s worth it to keep up with them and others in the industry post-RSA. There is so much we can learn from each other. 

So we put together a short list of people you should give a follow on LinkedIn.

3 Thought Leaders to Follow

Jeetu Patel 

jeetu patel linkedin screenshot

Jeetu Patel gave an awesome keynote at RSA 2023 on threat response and how your network can be a key resource. Jeetu is EVP & GM, Security and Collaboration Business Units at Cisco and he’s always sharing insightful comments and perspectives (his 37k followers attest to that). 

Jeetu Patel covers a wide array of topics, from AI and machine learning to human creativity and gratefulness, so give him a follow

Charity Majors

charity majors social media screenshot

Charity Majors (aka @mipsytipsy if you’re on Twitter) is Co-Founder and CTO of Honeycomb, a company devoted to giving software engineering teams the observability they need to eliminate toil and delight their users. 

If you’re looking for authentic opinions on software engineering and the inside scoop on all things data and ITOps, give Charity a follow

Tanya Janca

tanya janca social media screenshot

Tanya Janca is CEO and Founder of We Hack Purple, whose people are committed to helping anyone and everyone create secure software with an online community and academy! We caught Tanya’s keynote at RSA on DevSecOps Worst Practices which covered tried, tested, and failed methods we should AVOID. 

If you’re curious about DevSecOps, cloud security, supply chain, or more, keep up with Tanya and give her a follow

This list could become endless so for now we’ll stick to just a few! If you have some more notable mentions, drop a comment on LinkedIn and let us know. 

More food for thought…

We asked our Manager of IT Operations, David Van Heerden, if he has any industry thought leaders or community builders he follows and this was his response: 

“I actually started to follow business and leadership topics.

I feel the biggest professional barrier for IT is their understanding of the customer.

It’s so key to know why the business is the way it is.

Building up the skills of empathy and considering the bigger picture is something many IT people miss.”

Interesting, huh? We hope adding these people to your feed gives you some different perspectives and the inspiration to dig deeper into different industry topics.

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