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Visualizing Network Data in Real Time with Python

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This is the last post in our series on using Python for network analysis.

In the previous posts, we used Scapy, Plotly, Pandas and more to analyze and visualize network data. All of those examples used data from packet captures (PCAP) files.

In this post, we’ll cover how to observe (sniff) packets in real time and plot them using Matplotlib.


This was tested on OSX, but will work on any Linux machine. You will need to install Scapy and Matplotlib:

#> pip3 install scapy matplotlib



To run in real-time, you will import Scapy and Matplotlib. We’ll import argparse to get the interface as a command line option, and os to check to see if we are root and can snoop on the specified interface:

from scapy.all import *


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


import argparse


from os import getuid



The user will supply the interface, and we will allow another option to only capture X packets before exiting:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Live Traffic Examiner')


parser.add_argument('interface', help="Network interface", type=str)


parser.add_argument('--count', help="Capture X packets and exit", type=int)




User Check

As mentioned above, we want to see if the user can access the interface. Usually, only root can do that, but we’ll allow a check to see if it works:

#Check to see if we are root, otherwise Scapy might not be able to listen

if getuid() != 0 :


   print("Warning: Not running as root, packet listening may not work.")




       print("--Trying to listen on {}".format(args.interface))








       print("--Failed!\nError: Unable to sniff packets, try using sudo.")




Building the plot

To start building the plot, we will add titles and labels to the plot. We will also use ion(), which allows for an interactive plot:

#Interactive Mode










plt.title("Real Time Network Traffic")





The script will have a loop that listens for one packet at a time. Here, we’ll set up an empty list to hold a count and the byte data:

#Empty list to hold bytes






#Listen indefinitely, or until we reach count


while True:


   #Listen for 1 packet


   for pkt in sniff(iface=args.interface,count=1):

The important thing in the above code is count=1 because it tells Scapy to sniff for a single packet. Now that we have a single packet, the code will enter a try/except loop/. The reason for try/except is to allow the user to hit CTRL-C to exit, otherwise the program will not exit easily:



           if IP in pkt:






               #Pause and draw






               if args.count:


                   if i >= args.count:



The code above adds the size of the packet to an array, adds it to the plot, and draws it with plt.pause:

except KeyboardInterrupt:


  print("Captured {} packets on interface {} ".format(i, args.interface))



Last, we’ll use the except for CTRL-C to exit and send a count of packets.


#> ./  -h


usage: [-h] [--count COUNT] interface


Live Traffic Examiner


positional arguments:


 interface      Network interface to listen on i.e. en0


optional arguments:


 -h, --help     show this help message and exit


 --count COUNT  Capture X packets and exit

#> sudo ./ en0 --count 200




Capturing 200 packets on interface en0

For your reference, here is the full code:

from scapy.all import *


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


import argparse


from os import getuid


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Live Traffic Examiner')


parser.add_argument('interface', help="Network interface to listen on i.e. en0", type=str)


parser.add_argument('--count', help="Capture X packets and exit", type=int)




#Check to see if we are root, otherwise Scapy might not be able to listen


if getuid() != 0 :


   print("Warning: Not running as root, packet listening may not work.")




       print("--Trying to listen on {}".format(args.interface))








       print("--Failed!\nError: Unable to sniff packets, try again using sudo.")




if args.count:


   print("Capturing {} packets on interface {} ".format(args.count, args.interface))




   print("Capturing unlimited packets on interface {} \n--Press CTRL-C to exit




#Interactive Mode










plt.title("Real time Network Traffic")




#Empty list to hold bytes






#Listen indefinitely, or until we reach count


while True:


   #Listen for 1 packet


   for pkt in sniff(iface=args.interface,count=1):




           if IP in pkt:






               #Pause and draw






               if args.count:


                   if i >= args.count:




       except KeyboardInterrupt:


           print("Captured {} packets on interface {} ".format(i, args.interface))




Visualizing network data in real time with Python takeaway

I hope this series on analyzing network traffic with Python has helped you. You can take most of the code in the examples and customize it to your specific needs. I have a feeling that once you master this you’ll use Wireshark less and less.

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