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Damartex Dives into Automated Endpoint Management and Software Deployment

As a leading European distributor of clothing for seniors, Damartex stands at the forefront of retail innovation. With a strong market presence in France, Britain, Belgium, and Switzerland, the company ditched manual patching inefficiencies to achieve streamlined, automated processes showcasing its commitment to operational excellence and security.


When Damartex began its journey, it grappled with inefficient, time-consuming, and fragmented manual patch management processes. Employees used an array of third-party software management tools, resulting in inconsistencies in patch deployment. The lack of uniformity led to incomplete patching, raising concerns about security and systems stability. 

The objective was clear: Damartex needed to find an automated solution to address these challenges and transform its approach to IT management. With this goal in mind, Damartex focused on:

  • Overcoming the inefficiencies of their manual patch management process, which took too long and raised security concerns

  • Streamlining software deployment within their IT infrastructure and seeking a solution with a centralized platform and user-friendly experience


Driven by the need for a more efficient and unified solution, Damartex was intrigued by Automox's centralized platform, comprehensive features, and reputation for reliable patch management. 

The game-changing experience of deploying software and patches with unprecedented ease, coupled with the power of custom Automox Worklets, made Automox not just a solution, but an exciting revelation in their IT management journey.

  • Automated endpoint management

    With Automox, Damartex upped its IT management by massively reducing the time and effort spent on manual patching. The centralized platform provided uniformity across various systems, eliminating inconsistencies and enhancing system stability.

  • Enhanced security

    Ensuring complete and timely patch deployment, Automox mitigated potential security vulnerabilities for Damartex. This increased the overall security of its IT infrastructure and reduced concerns about potential cyberthreats.

  • Custom Worklets provide scripting at scale

    Automox’s unique Worklets feature allowed Damartex to create custom scripts for recurring problems, increasing the IT team's productivity. Worklets enhanced the team’s PowerShell skills, adding value to their technical expertise while simplifying software management. It was like adding a new specialist to the team.


Damartex revolutionized patch management making efficiency the foundation of its IT operations. The transition from manual patching and disparate third-party tools to a centralized, user-friendly platform saved Damartex time and reduced complexity. 

Worklets empowered the team to create custom scripts for recurring problems. In the words of Tommy Devoye, Level 3 Support Specialist, 

"Automox has been a game-changer. It's not only professionally enriching but a fun revelation to see how patch and software management can be simplified with the right solution."

Ultimately, Damartex’s experience underscores Automox's value proposition – transforming IT management with ease, efficiency, and effectiveness.

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