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Uninstall Specific App by Name

Locates and initiates uninstallation of specified application by name.

Worklet Details

Why would you use the Uninstall Specific Applications by Name Worklet?

This Worklet is designed to grant an administrator the ability to uninstall an application or remove software with minimal knowledge of the bitness, installer type, or uninstall command line. Using this PowerShell Worklet is the easy answer to the questions, “How do I uninstall a program by name?” or “How do I uninstall a specific app?”.

Why you might want to uninstall specific apps

There are several reasons why someone might want to uninstall specific applications. Here are a few common uninstall apps scenarios:

To free up storage space

Over time, applications can accumulate on a device or endpoint, taking up valuable storage space. Uninstalling specific applications that are no longer needed or used can help free up storage space and disk space for other purposes or simply declutter all the apps on your device.

To optimize performance

Some applications can consume system resources, such as memory or processing power, even when they're not actively being used. Uninstalling specific resource-intensive applications can help improve the overall performance and speed of the device.

To address security concerns

Certain applications might have known security vulnerabilities or could be compromised with malware or adware. Uninstalling specific applications with such issues can help mitigate potential security risks and protect your device and data.

To keep things organized

Your organization or team might have specific software policies or requirements, and uninstalling certain applications or system apps can be part of adhering to those guidelines. For example, a company might restrict the use of certain productivity apps installed or social media platforms on work devices.

How to uninstall specific apps by name with this PowerShell Worklet

Basically, you add an application name (exactly as it appears) in Add/Remove Programs, Programs, and Features, or Apps and Features between single quotes. By placing the application name between the single quotes, the Worklet will scan the registry for the matching application.

If the application is found, it will exit with an Exit code of '1' and flag the device for remediation.  Some software (such as M365 Apps) installs as a "suite" even though each component could have its own registry entry. 

Also, please note that some software (such as M365 Apps) installs as a "suite" even though each component could have its own registry entry. These types of installations are not supported with this Worklet. For more information on how to select uninstall for such software, please see the software vendor's support documentation.

When you use the Uninstall Specific Applications by Name Worklet, what’s the expected outcome?

Granting an administrator the ability to uninstall an application or remove software typically involves providing them with appropriate permissions and tools. Automox makes it easier with the Uninstall Specific Applications by Name Worklet, which again, searches the registry for an application by its display name and runs its uninstall key to uninstall the app from any selected endpoint. This is the easiest way to uninstall installed applications. 

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What's a Worklet?

A Worklet is an automation script, written in Bash or PowerShell, designed for seamless execution on endpoints – at scale – within the Automox platform. Worklet automation scripts perform configuration, remediation, and the installation or removal of applications and settings across Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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