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Linux - System Preferences - Set SSH Timeout (ClientAliveInterval)

Sets desired SSH timeout (ClientAliveInterval) on Linux systems.

Worklet Details

Introduction to the Bash-Based Set SSH Timeout Worklet

The Set SSH Timeout Worklet is a BAsh-based Linux solution that helps system administrators configure the timeout settings for their SSH connections. This Worklet is designed to check the current SSH connection timeout setting on a device and modify it if necessary, providing better management of idle SSH sessions and reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

By allowing administrators to set a desired timeout interval, this Worklet ensures that inactive SSH connections are closed automatically after a specific period, enhancing security in Linux environments.

Why would you use the Set SSH Timeout Worklet?

Prolonged idle SSH connections can pose security risks as they can be exploited by hackers and lead to unauthorized access. However, overly short timeouts may cause inconvenience and hinder productivity among users who require extended periods of inactivity during their work sessions.

By using this Worklet, administrators can strike a balance between security and user experience by configuring an appropriate timeout duration based on their organization's needs.

Components of the Set SSH Timeout Worklet

The primary components of this Worklet include variables for specifying the desired_ssh_timeout value and code snippets that verify if changes are required or not.

The remediation code schedules necessary modifications and restarts the ssh service when required. The entire process utilizes commands like grep, sed, awk, systemctl restart sshd along with configuration adjustments in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

How does the Set SSH Timeout Worklet work?

The Set SSH Timeout Worklet works by scanning an existing /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on a Linux system to determine its current ClientAliveInterval settings. If these settings differ from your desired_ssh_timeout value, it updates them accordingly and then restarts your ssh daemon to apply new settings effectively.

What is Expected Outcome when you use the Set SSH Timeout Worklet?

The Set SSH Timeout Worklet sets the desired ClientAliveInterval parameter in your system's SSH server configuration file and safely restarts the SSH service. This results in an updated timeout interval for idle SSH connections, ensuring that they are terminated automatically after the specified duration.

The Worklet provides improved security while maintaining optimal performance and user experience in managing SSH sessions.

The Set SSH Timeout Worklet is an essential tool for Linux administrators who wish to improve their system's security by managing idle SSH connection timeouts effectively.

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What's a Worklet?

A Worklet is an automation script, written in Bash or PowerShell, designed for seamless execution on endpoints – at scale – within the Automox platform. Worklet automation scripts perform configuration, remediation, and the installation or removal of applications and settings across Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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